Sunday, 23 November 2008
The calm morning surprised me with a bright sun and a fresh air. The house was suffused with light. Everything around corresponded to my inner mood.
It was the best time to prepare our two garden fountains for the winter. The trick here has two steps: first - to stop the turn-clock placed in an underground hole and second - to drain the water in the water-pipe between the turn-clock and the tap. In that way the fountains we'll be protected from the freezing.
But surely in the spring I'll clear my accounts with that fountain. I already have some ideas on this and later I'll share them with you.
I took a breath and then I started something new for me - The Oleander epos.
Usually the people in Haskovo plant their oleanders in used metal boxes for cheese. The last spring I planted four oleanders in the garden. They grew up and bloomed very well. Now I tried to insulate the plants against the low winter temperatures.
The result is strange, but funny. My mother helpped me to wrap the oleanders with old cloths. Then we wrapped the plants again - that way with nylons, and finally we binded fast the nylons with knitted fabrics of different colors.
Now the oleanders look like an avantgard art. Both in the gardening and the wrapping I own an unique style, a scent of immediate aestetic, an imagination and a creative power, but the critics just don't know me.
In Sofia there's a monument of the poetry. In my garden there's a monument of the ... they look like... well, if you have some suggestions or analogies with these covered oleanders, you can give me some free ideas in the comments section.
In Sofia there's a monument of the poetry. In my garden there's a monument of the ... they look like... well, if you have some suggestions or analogies with these covered oleanders, you can give me some free ideas in the comments section.
Later I closed the gaps in the treliss-vine's construction with silicon. After that I went on the roof. There I made some good things and took nice pictures.
On that photo you see a part of the garage (in left), a part of the garden with the wrapped oleanders and and our summer house (and old building which we use as a store).
My hero :D
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