Simple life exercise

Sunday, 31 January 2010

Today I had a Simple life exercise. It was a calm and a nice day.

I woke up late. My sweetheart was still sleeping and I took my forgotten puzzle. It was waiting for me for long months under the sofa and then over the bookcase.
I cleaned the dust on the pieces and started to put them in order.
I investigated and arranged many pieces all the day. I felt comfortable, homelike and glad.
In the meanwhile, I ate cheese sandwiches and drank tea, listened to the radio, read a book, ate beans, took a bath, talked with my sweetheart.

That's what shall be Mona Lisa someday.

Being lazy and living simply in the Sunday afternoon is a God's grace. Thanks to my beloved Lydia, I had so much time for me. Thank you, my love! I appreciate it!


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